“You have an inner strength”

Lord Ability Services

Welcome to Lord Ability Services

‘‘We care for you, and we will help you.’’

We are your trusted NDIS registered disability care provider. We are specialised in providing support to people with disability who are participants of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). Our goal is to promote their plans to be independent, economically involved and included in the society.


At Lord Ability Services, we understand that everyone has different needs and preferences. That’s why we offer a broad range of personal care assistance services for the elderly and people with disability, such as: Help with daily tasks like dressing, bathing, grooming and eating, support with household tasks like cleaning, laundry and shopping, assistance with medication management and health appointments, transport to and from social activities, work or education, respite care for carers who need a break, and much more!


Our team of NDIS approved professionals are friendly, compassionate, and experienced. They are trained to deliver high-quality care that meets your individual goals and preferences. They are also respectful of your culture, language, and background.

At Lord Ability Services, we believe that everyone deserves to live a happy, healthy, and fulfilling life. That’s why we are committed to providing you with the best possible care and support. Contact us today on 03 8351 2716 or find out more about our services and how we can help you. We look forward to hearing from you!

Lord Ability Servies

  • We Can Manage Your NDIS Plan

    We provide plan management service for people with disability who want to have more choice and control over their NDIS funds. As your plan manager, we can help you with setting up your NDIS plan and budget, finding and paying your service providers, tracking your spending and remaining funds, reporting to the NDIA on your behalf, solving any issues or problems that may arise.

    Our plan management service is professional and reliable. We will meet you to understand the support you need and plan the services to meet your needs. You do not have to worry about your NDIS bills and paperwork. We will handle all of that for you and keep track of the funding and balances allocated for each service you need. We will do all the administrative work for you and help you with budgeting.

    You can choose us as your plan manager when you apply for or review your NDIS plan. Just select plan management as one of your supports and nominate Lord Ability Services as your preferred provider. We will then contact you to discuss your plan and get started.

  • We Provide Nursing Care

    Our nursing services provide compassionate specialised care to patients who live with severe disability. Our team of highly trained and experienced nurses work closely with our clients to develop NDIS plan of care that meets their disability needs. We provide various nursing services including complex wound care, medication management, enteral feeding and tracheostomy management, dysphagia, bowel care, subcutaneous injections, Ventilator management at healthcare facilities, and any chronic pain or disability. Our goal is to help our clients achieve the highest level of independence possible while maintaining their convenience and quality of life. If you have any questions or would like to learn more about our services, please do not hesitate to contact us.

  • We Provide Interpreting Services

    We have a team of qualified interpreters who are experienced in working with people with disability. Whenever you need help to communicate with English speakers in your daily life, education, work, or health care, we can provide you with an interpreter who understands your language and interprets what you would like to say to English speakers. We can book you an interpreter to attend appointments with you in person or on the phone. Our interpreting service is available 24/7, so you can always access the support you need. Contact us today and let us help you.

  • Support Connection and Coordination

    We are passionate about helping you get the most of your NDIS plan and provide you with the supports promised in your plan. We will strengthen your ability to connect with services in the community through funded supports by the NDIS. Whether you need assistance with finding and keeping a job, accessing education or training, joining a social group or club, or participating in recreational activities, we will help you find the right opportunities and supports for you. We will also endeavour to help you maintain relationships with the community including improving your skills to socialise and build up healthy relationships. Our friendly and supportive staff will help you develop your communication, self-confidence, and interpersonal skills and encourage you to make new friends and connections. Contact us today and let us help you enjoy a productive and rewarding social life.

  • Assistance with daily living and Household tasks

    We know that living with disability can be challenging for many people. That's why we provide you with domestic assistance at your home to make life easier and complete daily activities that will enable you to continue living conveniently. Some assistance includes meal preparation, personal care, and cleaning. Whether you need help with cooking, bathing, dressing, or tidying up, we have you covered. Our professional and caring staff will respect your dignity and choices and ensure that your home is always safe and comfortable. Contact us today and let us support you with your daily living.

  • Home Maintenance

    We understand that maintaining a clean and comfortable home can be challenging for some people. That's why we offer assistance with cleaning as well as minor garden maintenance. Whether you need help with vacuuming, dusting, laundry, dishes, mowing, weeding, or pruning, we have you covered. And if you would like to perform these tasks independently, we can help you with learning the skills and getting the equipment and aids you need. Our friendly and reliable staff will respect your privacy and preferences and ensure that your home is always in good shape. Contact us today and let us take care of your home.

  • Companion Care

    We understand that living with a disability can be challenging and sometimes isolating. That's why we offer you the opportunity to connect with a professional companion who will be your support worker. Your support worker will help you with everyday life activities and interests, such as personal care, household tasks, social outings, hobbies, education and employment. Your support worker will respect your choices, preferences and goals, and work with you to achieve them. Whether you need occasional assistance or ongoing support, we will match you with a suitable and qualified companion who will make your life easier and more enjoyable. Contact us today to find out more about our companion services and how we can help you live your best life.

  • Learning and Developing New Skills

    We believe that everyone deserves to live a fulfilling and meaningful life. That's why we offer personalised support and guidance to help you build up your confidence and learn life skills to become as independent as possible. Whether you want to pursue education, employment, hobbies, or social activities, we will help you reach your goals and participate in the community. Our experienced and compassionate staff will work with you to create a plan that suits your needs, preferences, and aspirations. Contact us today and let us help you achieve your potential. Contact us today and let us support you.

  • Shopping and Attending Appointments

    Another way that our support workers can help you with everyday life activities is by assisting you with shopping and appointments. Sometimes, it can be hard to decide what items you need, or to find the best deals and quality. Our support workers can help you make a list of things you want to buy, and then go shopping with you. They can also help you carry your bags, load and unload your car, or arrange delivery if needed. Shopping can be a fun and social experience that allows you to explore new places and products. Our support workers can also help you book and attend appointments, such as medical, dental, hair, beauty, or any other service you need. They can accompany you to the appointment, help you fill out forms, communicate with the service provider, and follow up with any actions or referrals. Our support workers can make sure that you don't miss any important appointments, and that you get the best care and service possible

  • Cooking Meals

    One of the everyday life activities that our Support Workers can help you with is meal preparation. Whether you need someone to cook for you, or you want to learn some skills to cook for yourself, we can assist you. Our support workers can prepare nutritious meals that suit your taste and dietary requirements and fit within your budget. They can also teach you how to plan, shop, cook and store food safely and hygienically. You can choose to help out in the kitchen, or just enjoy the delicious food that your support worker makes for you. Cooking can be a fun and rewarding activity that boosts your confidence and independence. Let us know how we can support you with your meal preparation needs.

  • Supported Independent Living (SIL)

    We believe that everyone deserves to live independently and choose the lifestyle that suits their wellbeing, economic involvement, and inclusion in the society. That's why we offer a range of support services that can help you achieve your goals and aspirations. Whether you want to pursue education, employment, volunteering, hobbies, or social activities, we can support you along the way. Our support workers can help you access opportunities, resources, and networks that can enhance your quality of life and participation in the community. They can also help you overcome any barriers or challenges that you may face, such as discrimination, accessibility, or communication. Our support workers will respect your dignity, rights, and choices, and empower you to make your own decisions. Contact us today to find out how we can help you live independently and choose the lifestyle that suits you. know that living independently can be challenging for some people. That's why we provide you with domestic assistance at your home to make life easier and complete daily activities that will enable you to continue living independently. Some assistance includes meal preparation, personal care, and cleaning. Whether you need help with cooking, bathing, dressing, or tidying up, we have you covered. Our professional and caring staff will respect your dignity and choices and ensure that your home is always safe and comfortable. Contact us today and let us support you with your daily living.

  • Personal Care

    One of the benefits of our companion services is that they can be funded as an essential support in your NDIS plan. We can tailor your plan to include personal care as a major support that you need, based on your needs and goals. Whether you need this support at home or outside, we can provide it to you. Some examples of support that could help you live independently are personal hygiene activities such as showering, washing, bathing, and grooming. We can also help with dressing, toileting, eating, walking, exercising, running, attending social events, and mobility. These are just some of the activities that our support workers can assist you with. It depends on the type, frequency and duration of support that suits you best. We will work with you to create a personalised plan that meets your expectations and outcomes. Contact us today to find out how we can help you access our personal care service through your NDIS plan.

  • Transport and Mobility including Travel and Holidays

    One of the support services that we offer is transport assistance. We understand that public transport can be difficult or impossible to use for some people with disabilities. That's why we can drive you to and from where you would like to go to attend appointments, learn, work, and socialise. Our support workers can help you plan your trips, book your tickets, pack your bags, and navigate your way. They can also assist you with any mobility or communication needs that you may have during your travel. For example, they can help you use a wheelchair, a walker, a hearing aid, or a speech device. They can also help you communicate with other people, such as service providers, staff, or strangers. We can also help you with going on holidays and travelling to new places if your doctor has no concerns and if these places are accessible. Travelling can be a great way to explore new cultures, experiences, and perspectives. It can also be interesting and relaxing. You can choose where you want to go, how long you want to stay, and what you want to do. Our support workers can help you find suitable accommodation, transport, and activities that match your interests and budget. They can also accompany you during your holiday and help you with any issues or emergencies that may arise. Contact us today to find out how we can help you with your transport and travel needs.

  • Assistance with Social and Community Participation including Sports, Social and Recreational Support

    One of the support services that we offer is social participation. We believe that getting involved in your local community social activities is important for your health and wellbeing. That's why we can help you access additional supports according to your NDIS plan to help you enjoy the activities that you like. For example, we can help you find activities that suit your interests, abilities, and goals, organise a support worker to join you in your activity and provide any assistance or guidance that you may need, and access sporting equipment and clothes that are appropriate and comfortable for your activity. Some of the activities that you may find enjoyable include going to the cinema to watch a movie of your choice, going to the park for a picnic with your favourite food and drinks, going to shopping centres to browse, buy, or window-shop, learning cooking skills and making delicious dishes, attending a sporting game or a community event that matches your passion, going on holiday camps to visit interesting places and make new friends, going to the beach, swimming pool, or lake to enjoy the water and the sun, and meeting with relatives and/or friends to meet and chat. These are just some of the examples of social activities that you can participate in with our support. You can choose any activity that you like or suggest a new one that we can help you with. We will work with you to create a personalised plan that meets your needs and preferences. Contact us today to find out how we can help you get involved in your local community social activities.

  • Innovative Support

    We understand that technology can make a big difference in your life. That’s why we offer a range of online services to help you get connected with the support you need, wherever you are. Whether you need assistance with health, education, employment, or social activities, we can help you find and access the best options for you. Our friendly and professional staff are trained to use various platforms and devices to assist you with your online needs. You can also choose from our selection of assistive technology products that can enhance your independence and comfort. Contact us today to find out how we can help you with technology to make your life easier.

  • Dementia Care

    We care about your mental health and wellbeing. We know that living with Dementia can be challenging and stressful for you and your loved ones. That’s why we offer a range of services to support you and your family. Whether you need personal care, home care, respite care, or social support, we can provide you with care plans that suit your needs and preferences. Our staff are trained and experienced in working with people with Dementia and can help you manage your symptoms and improve your quality of life. We also offer online and phone consultations, as well as access to resources and information about Dementia. Contact us today to find out how we can help you with your Dementia care.

  • Respite Care 24/7

    We understand that being a carer can be both rewarding and challenging. The responsibilities and demands that come along with caring for a loved one can often leave carers feeling overwhelmed and in need of a break. That's why we offer respite care services tailored to the unique needs of carers like you.Our respite care services are designed to provide temporary relief and support, allowing carers the opportunity to take a well-deserved break while ensuring their loved ones receive the highest quality care. Whether you require assistance during the daytime, overnight, on weekends, or during emergencies, our dedicated team of caregivers is available around the clock to assist you. One of the key advantages of our respite care service is that it is provided in the familiar surroundings of your own home. We understand how important it is for your loved one to feel comfortable and secure in their own environment. Our experienced caregivers will seamlessly integrate into your daily routine, ensuring your loved one receives the care they need while maintaining a sense of familiarity and routine. Our respite care services are available 24/7, providing you with the flexibility to choose the duration and frequency of respite care that suits your needs. Whether you require a few hours of respite care during the day or need a longer period of overnight care, we are here to assist you.

  • On Call Care 24/7

    We understand that maintaining your health and wellbeing is paramount. Life can throw unexpected challenges our way, and having someone by your side to offer support can make all the difference. That's why we're proud to offer our 24/7 phone support service, available whenever you need us.Our reliable and compassionate team of professionals is here to lend a listening ear and provide guidance during those difficult moments. Whether you're seeking advice on managing stress, coping with a health concern, or simply need someone to talk to, we're here to help. Our commitment to your wellbeing means that no matter the hour or day, we'll be available to support you. With our 24/7 phone support, you can expect a safe and confidential space where you can freely express your concerns. Our highly trained operators are experienced in dealing with a wide range of health and wellbeing matters. They will offer compassionate guidance, helpful resources, and if needed, connect you with the appropriate professionals or services. We understand that life doesn't adhere to regular business hours, and neither does your health. That's why we've designed our 24/7 phone support service to be accessible whenever you need it. Whether you're dealing with a physical ailment, mental health issues, or any other health-related concerns, our team is here to offer a helping hand day or night.

  • Specialised Disability Accommodation ( SDA)

    We are specialised in providing solutions for individuals with high complex disabilities who require Specialised Disability Accommodation (SDA). Whether you are in need of an accommodation to call home or require assistance in finding one that aligns with your care plans, we are here to help. Our range of accommodation options suits a diverse range of needs and preferences. We offer Long Term Accommodation, Medium Term Accommodation, Short Term Accommodation (STA), as well as Shared Living Accommodation (SLA). Additionally, we understand the importance of having access to emergency support when it matters most. That's why we provide 24-hour emergency accommodation support, ensuring that you have the peace of mind knowing assistance is always just a phone call away.

  • Assistance With Tenancy

    We know that finding a suitable and affordable place to live can be difficult and stressful. That’s why we offer assistance with tenancy to help you secure a home that meets your needs and preferences. Whether you are looking for a private rental, social housing, or supported accommodation, we can help you find and apply for the best options for you. We will also look after everything you need to move in, such as rent and bond applications, signing up with utilities of your choice, moving furniture, and appliances. Our staff are friendly and professional and will support you throughout the process. Contact us today to find out how we can help you with your tenancy needs.

  • Multicultural Support

    We respect and value your cultural identity and diversity. We know that your culture, customs, and traditions are important for your health and wellbeing. That’s why we will include your cultural needs and preferences in your NDIS plan and help you achieve your goals. We will also help you book and attend events in your community that celebrate your culture and heritage. Whether you want to join a cultural group, learn a new language, or enjoy a festival, we will support you to participate and connect with others who share your background and interests. Contact us today to find out how we can help you with your cultural needs and aspirations.